Allure report integration with Cypress
If you want to integrate allure reports in your cypress project, here are few easy and minimum steps required to add in your project.
In order to install allure report , we need to install few dependencies in the project —
Step 1 — npm install — save-dev mocha-allure-reporter
Step 2 — npm install — save-dev mocha-allure-reporter allure-commandline
Step 3 —npm i -D @shelex/cupress-allure-plugin OR
yarn add -D @shelex/cypress-allure-plugin
After running these above commands you can see the above dependencies added in your package.json file.
Next we need to add below code in the respective files.
In cypress/plugin/index.js file -
const allureWriter = require(“@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin/writer”);
module.exports = (on, config) =>
allureWriter(on, config);
return config;
In Cypress/support/index.js file -
///<reference types=”@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin”>
import ‘@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin’;
Add execution scripts inside package.json -
“test-allure”:”npx cypress run — spec ./**js — reporter mocha-allure-reporter — env allure=true”,
“allure:report”:”allure generate allure-results — clean -o allure-report && allure open allure-report”
“execute:report” :“npm run test-allure && npm run allure:report”
NOTE — You can add particular test cases also here in place of— spec ./**js.
Now you need to run command npm run execute:report in the terminal which will run the mentioned test cases and generate beautiful allure report for you.